Filled with vitamins A, C, and D, as well as iron, zinc, prebiotics, and much more, Shakleebaby Multivitamin & Multimineral Powder provides your little one with a strong foundation for a healthier tomorrow.* Bones and Teeth
Along with calcium and magnesium, vitamin D is crucial for
strong bones and teeth.
In fact, the American Academy of
Pediatrics recently increased its recommended daily intake of
vitamin D from 200 IU to 400 IU for infants and toddlers.
Brain Health
Nutrients such as iron, zinc, copper, folic acid, selenium, and
vitamin A have significant roles in brain development.
Immune System
• Nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and E, as well as zinc,
copper, and selenium, all contribute to a healthy immune
• Infants who were fed prebiotics in baby food or infant
formula have been found to have higher levels of bifidobacteria
in their intestines, which in turn help support a
strong immune system.*
• Studies also have shown that when toddlers in day care are
fed food enriched with prebiotics, they experience improved
digestive and immune health.*
Did You Know?
Toddlers Aren’t Eating Right
• French fries are the most common source of vegetable
consumed by 15- to 24-month-olds.
• Sixty-nine percent of 19- to 24-month-olds tested in a recent
study consumed candy or some type of dessert on any given
day, while 18%–33% of infants did not eat a single serving
of fruit.
• Forty percent of infants and toddlers tested in a recent study
had low levels of vitamin D.
Protect your Little One's Immune system with Shaklee's MultiVitamin and Mineral Powder
Posted by
Children grow at a much more rapid pace during the first few years of life than at any other period; on average, infants grow about nine inches and gain 12 pounds in just their first year alone! To support optimal growth and development, they need proper nutrition.
However, research findings indicate many infants’ and toddlers’ diets need improvement.
One study found that 25% of toddlers eat French fries on any given day, while nearly one-third skip vegetables altogether. On top of that, cookies, hot dogs, and sugar-laden fruit juices rank among the Top 10 foods eaten by infants and toddlers in the United States. Inadequate
nutrient intakes can compromise bone growth, immune function, and overall physical and cognitive development.
Not to worry. Shakleebaby Multivitamin & Multimineral Powder can enrich your little one’s diet and help set the stage for a lifetime of health and wellness. Welcome to peace of mind.
Shakleebaby Multivitamin & Multimineral Powder
Eating Right Starts Right Now

Shakleebaby Multivitamin & Multimineral Powder delivers 23 essential nutrients that your baby may not be getting from foods.
In addition to providing a healthful serving of vitamins A, C, and all eight B vitamins to support proper growth, this powdered mix is formulated with a unique blend of clinically proven
prebiotics—nutrients that encourage the growth of friendly microflora in the digestive tract to help support a strong immune system.
* Plus, it’s got 400 IU of vitamin D to support strong bones and teeth.
Start your little ones on the right track. Keep them Happy and Healthy through the Flu Season.
ORDER Your Shakleebaby Multivitamin & Multimineral Powder HERE
However, research findings indicate many infants’ and toddlers’ diets need improvement.
One study found that 25% of toddlers eat French fries on any given day, while nearly one-third skip vegetables altogether. On top of that, cookies, hot dogs, and sugar-laden fruit juices rank among the Top 10 foods eaten by infants and toddlers in the United States. Inadequate
nutrient intakes can compromise bone growth, immune function, and overall physical and cognitive development.
Not to worry. Shakleebaby Multivitamin & Multimineral Powder can enrich your little one’s diet and help set the stage for a lifetime of health and wellness. Welcome to peace of mind.
Shakleebaby Multivitamin & Multimineral Powder
Eating Right Starts Right Now

Shakleebaby Multivitamin & Multimineral Powder delivers 23 essential nutrients that your baby may not be getting from foods.
In addition to providing a healthful serving of vitamins A, C, and all eight B vitamins to support proper growth, this powdered mix is formulated with a unique blend of clinically proven
prebiotics—nutrients that encourage the growth of friendly microflora in the digestive tract to help support a strong immune system.
* Plus, it’s got 400 IU of vitamin D to support strong bones and teeth.
Start your little ones on the right track. Keep them Happy and Healthy through the Flu Season.
ORDER Your Shakleebaby Multivitamin & Multimineral Powder HERE
Here is an actually true story of a professional body builder and his expereince with Shaklee's ALL natural products.
In response to the query about natural body building and Shaklee products, I will provide some of my own insight and recommend that you also contact Bobby Brandenburg in Fayetteville, NC.He was a NPC drug free Atlantic Coast bodybuilding champion.
To give you some background, I am a Shaklee Senior Supervisor and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. At this point, I will not accept anyone for training unless they use Shaklee products.
I can say without reservation, those people that I have trained over the yearswho have used Shaklee products are more consistent in their gains, suffer fewer injuries,and recuperate more rapidly than the people who do not use Shaklee products as the base of their dietary/nutrition program.
I also strongly believe that it is my general responsibility both as a Shaklee Independent Distributor and as strength and conditioning specialist to strive to optimize people's health. If I am training someone and that person is not in, or striving to obtain optimal health, that person can never attain the true peak performance of which he/she is capable.
If a person is not on a strong Shaklee nutrition program, he/she is not coming close to optimizing his/her health. Consequently, that person is not optimizing his/her athletic performance.
My own introduction to Shaklee was a consequence of meeting Dr. Gary Mendelson through the vehicle of the martial arts.
It was 1990, Gary as a 2d Dan was an instructor and he and I began a discussion about nutrition. At the time, I had been involved in investigating and using nutrition products/supplements since 1973 with the focus of improving sports and combat performance.
When Gary mentioned Shaklee, I told him that I had never heard of the company but because I respected him I would play his silly game. I started with Instant Protein, Vita Lea, Physique, Herb-Lax, and Performance. Four weeks later, my bench press was up 40 pounds for a personal best, my squat was up 60 pounds for a personal best, I was doing straight leg deadlifts on a bench with 80 pound dumbbells and in the down position my wrists were on line with the bottom of my feet (another personal best), my body-fat dropped from 11% to 9%, my energy level increased, and I was not hungry all the time.
Now that you have my background, here are some perspectives and information. First, I have not had success in talking with gym owners about Shaklee products as they have difficulty understanding the business at a basic level much less the multilevel aspect of it.
The ones with whom I have spoken have perceived that they could not make enough immediate money. This could have been my explanation but I am not wholly convinced of that. Secondly, because they have not seen glossy ads in a variety of muscle head magazines, they have a hard time opening their minds.
Given that, let us take a quick look at the specific questions.
In response to the query about natural body building and Shaklee products, I will provide some of my own insight and recommend that you also contact Bobby Brandenburg in Fayetteville, NC.He was a NPC drug free Atlantic Coast bodybuilding champion.
To give you some background, I am a Shaklee Senior Supervisor and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. At this point, I will not accept anyone for training unless they use Shaklee products.
I can say without reservation, those people that I have trained over the yearswho have used Shaklee products are more consistent in their gains, suffer fewer injuries,and recuperate more rapidly than the people who do not use Shaklee products as the base of their dietary/nutrition program.
I also strongly believe that it is my general responsibility both as a Shaklee Independent Distributor and as strength and conditioning specialist to strive to optimize people's health. If I am training someone and that person is not in, or striving to obtain optimal health, that person can never attain the true peak performance of which he/she is capable.
If a person is not on a strong Shaklee nutrition program, he/she is not coming close to optimizing his/her health. Consequently, that person is not optimizing his/her athletic performance.
My own introduction to Shaklee was a consequence of meeting Dr. Gary Mendelson through the vehicle of the martial arts.
It was 1990, Gary as a 2d Dan was an instructor and he and I began a discussion about nutrition. At the time, I had been involved in investigating and using nutrition products/supplements since 1973 with the focus of improving sports and combat performance.
When Gary mentioned Shaklee, I told him that I had never heard of the company but because I respected him I would play his silly game. I started with Instant Protein, Vita Lea, Physique, Herb-Lax, and Performance. Four weeks later, my bench press was up 40 pounds for a personal best, my squat was up 60 pounds for a personal best, I was doing straight leg deadlifts on a bench with 80 pound dumbbells and in the down position my wrists were on line with the bottom of my feet (another personal best), my body-fat dropped from 11% to 9%, my energy level increased, and I was not hungry all the time.
Now that you have my background, here are some perspectives and information. First, I have not had success in talking with gym owners about Shaklee products as they have difficulty understanding the business at a basic level much less the multilevel aspect of it.
The ones with whom I have spoken have perceived that they could not make enough immediate money. This could have been my explanation but I am not wholly convinced of that. Secondly, because they have not seen glossy ads in a variety of muscle head magazines, they have a hard time opening their minds.
Given that, let us take a quick look at the specific questions.
has a ratio of 2 grams protein to 1 gram carbohydrate. There is no other protein source which is better assimilated by the body. Back to the basic health issue (anticancer, cholesterol lowering, etc), everyone should have a minimum of 30 grams (3 of our clear plastic scoops, item code 50251) daily and preferably 60 grams of soy protein daily.
An excellent article by Derek Cornelius, owner of Syntrax Innovations Inc, in the Dec 98 IronMan magazine pointed out the advantages of Soy proteins vs Whey. Some excerpts from that article ...
"every 100 grams of whey protein provides 20.1 grams of branch-chain amino acids (BCAA) and 4.9 grams of glutamine---the amino acid bodybuilders can't seem tp get enough of. For every 100 grams of soy protein you get 18.1 grams of BCAAs -- only two grams less than whey -- but you get a whopping 10.5 grams of glutamine, more than double what you get with whey.
Glutamine aids in muscle protein synthesis, and because it exists the muscle after intense training, body builders need as much glutamine as they can get. Soy is definitely glutamine-rich, which makes it a bodybuilding supersupplement.
Soy also has a number of other hard-to-beat benefits for hard training bodybuilders as well as health-conscious people in the general population:
1) It's very inexpensive (my comment -- you cannot get a better value than Shaklee Instant Protein)
2) It has the highest Protein Digestability Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS), which is quickly taking over from biological value (BV) as the most accurate measure of protein quality.
3) It's very soluable if processed correctly (my comment -- No problem there)
4) It's bland, which is a good thing because it doesn't take much flavoring to make it palatable.
5) It improves kidney function.
6) It's anticarcinogenic.
7) It's anti-estrogenic, which may help prevent the aromatization of pro-hormones.
8) It lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the bad cholesterol, and raises the high-density lipoprotein (HDL), the good cholesterol.
9) It improves thyroid function.
10) It's not an animal protein, so vegetarians can use it to augment their nutrition.
Soy definitely has some outstanding and unique advantages over whey, especially in the muscle building department.
Moving on to Physique, I suggest that you obtain Dr. Bruce Miller's Physique comparison sheet and the Physique amino acid profile from Shaklee Field Services. Physique is an amazing product and the research is often quoted in muscle magazines without crediting the source while others promote their products on the back of Shaklee research.
Your body builders likely do not realize the importance of the insulin response post training; however, they should be well impressed by the percent BCAA content of Physique.
Based on my reading, I currently use the following formula to determine the optimal post work amount of Physique to use after heavy training. Lean Body Mass (LBM) in lbs divided by 2.2 = LBM in kilograms(Kg); LBM in Kg = carbs required; carbs required divided by 9.5 = scoops (item # 50251) of Physique.
Physique is partially taken within five minutes post workout. Taken more than 30 minutes post workout, Physique will not provide the anabolic response. Timeliness with regard to Physique usage is critical.
Physique works for both the strength/bodybuilding athlete as well as the endurance
athlete. See if your natural bodybuilders will use Performance for several workouts and get their feedback. I have yet to have anyone not get improved workouts. Optimally, it is used starting 15- 30 minutes before starting the work out. Understand that they will likely want to cut back as they approach competition.
Bobby Brandenburg could likely give you more refined information on that end of things. Performance's blend of electrolytes will help prevent water retention and alfalfa, DTX, and Herb-lax will also facilitate in that area.
T.S. ESCHHOLZ, Jr, President of Fitness Crafters located in Rockville, MD
If you would like more information regarding other Shaklee porducts and how you can benefit from them, please feel free to contact me.
Meyling Calero
An excellent article by Derek Cornelius, owner of Syntrax Innovations Inc, in the Dec 98 IronMan magazine pointed out the advantages of Soy proteins vs Whey. Some excerpts from that article ...
"every 100 grams of whey protein provides 20.1 grams of branch-chain amino acids (BCAA) and 4.9 grams of glutamine---the amino acid bodybuilders can't seem tp get enough of. For every 100 grams of soy protein you get 18.1 grams of BCAAs -- only two grams less than whey -- but you get a whopping 10.5 grams of glutamine, more than double what you get with whey.
Glutamine aids in muscle protein synthesis, and because it exists the muscle after intense training, body builders need as much glutamine as they can get. Soy is definitely glutamine-rich, which makes it a bodybuilding supersupplement.
Soy also has a number of other hard-to-beat benefits for hard training bodybuilders as well as health-conscious people in the general population:
1) It's very inexpensive (my comment -- you cannot get a better value than Shaklee Instant Protein)
2) It has the highest Protein Digestability Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS), which is quickly taking over from biological value (BV) as the most accurate measure of protein quality.
3) It's very soluable if processed correctly (my comment -- No problem there)
4) It's bland, which is a good thing because it doesn't take much flavoring to make it palatable.
5) It improves kidney function.
6) It's anticarcinogenic.
7) It's anti-estrogenic, which may help prevent the aromatization of pro-hormones.
8) It lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the bad cholesterol, and raises the high-density lipoprotein (HDL), the good cholesterol.
9) It improves thyroid function.
10) It's not an animal protein, so vegetarians can use it to augment their nutrition.
Soy definitely has some outstanding and unique advantages over whey, especially in the muscle building department.
Moving on to Physique, I suggest that you obtain Dr. Bruce Miller's Physique comparison sheet and the Physique amino acid profile from Shaklee Field Services. Physique is an amazing product and the research is often quoted in muscle magazines without crediting the source while others promote their products on the back of Shaklee research.
Your body builders likely do not realize the importance of the insulin response post training; however, they should be well impressed by the percent BCAA content of Physique.
Based on my reading, I currently use the following formula to determine the optimal post work amount of Physique to use after heavy training. Lean Body Mass (LBM) in lbs divided by 2.2 = LBM in kilograms(Kg); LBM in Kg = carbs required; carbs required divided by 9.5 = scoops (item # 50251) of Physique.
Physique is partially taken within five minutes post workout. Taken more than 30 minutes post workout, Physique will not provide the anabolic response. Timeliness with regard to Physique usage is critical.
Physique works for both the strength/bodybuilding athlete as well as the endurance
athlete. See if your natural bodybuilders will use Performance for several workouts and get their feedback. I have yet to have anyone not get improved workouts. Optimally, it is used starting 15- 30 minutes before starting the work out. Understand that they will likely want to cut back as they approach competition.
Bobby Brandenburg could likely give you more refined information on that end of things. Performance's blend of electrolytes will help prevent water retention and alfalfa, DTX, and Herb-lax will also facilitate in that area.
T.S. ESCHHOLZ, Jr, President of Fitness Crafters located in Rockville, MD
If you would like more information regarding other Shaklee porducts and how you can benefit from them, please feel free to contact me.
Meyling Calero
- Baisc H2 cleaner (1)
- Bodybuilding (1)
- Cinch (1)
- Get Clean (2)
- Go Green Tip (2)
- Protein (1)
- Shaklee (1)
- Vitamin (1)
- Weekly tip (1)