About Me

My name is Meyling, I am an Independent Distributor for Shaklee , the #1 natural nuritional company in the United States. My mission and goal as a Shaklee distrubtor is not only spread the word on the importance of going green it is also to provide a better and healthier life for everyone as well as provide information and facts about improving our enviornment. How can I do this? Simply through the Shaklee Corporation. Shaklee has been helping people live healthier lives for more then 50 years. Shaklee does this by making all natural products that are so exceptional, you just have to tell your friends. Shaklee is always safe , it always works, and is always green.

Weekly Tip 9/23/2009

Posted by Meyling Wednesday, September 23, 2009 0 comments

Put Green Plants in your office. Plants cheer the place up, improve air quality, absorb toxic gasses from office equipment and maintain humidity.

Live Healither, Live longer, Go Green !
Meyling Calero

America is shifting to a "green culture" where all 300 million citizens are embracing the fact that environmental responsibility is everyone's responsibility. In fact, "Go Green!" has become a Global awareness. This newsletter will go into details on how everyone can make a difference in their homes, communities, and offices.

Did you know?

Some chemicals may cause hormone disruptions. Others, such as butyl cellosolve,
are neurotoxins and nasal irritants. Another toxin, morpholine, can cause liver or
kidney damage. Glass cleaners contain ammonia, a poison that can irritate skin,
eyes, and the respiratory system.

There are an estimate of 150 Chemicals found in the home that are associated with allergies, birth defects, and cancer.

In addition, The most common poison exposures to young children are those that are hidden inside your cabinets. Your household cleaning product…chlorine is the #1 cause of children poisoning deaths.

90 % of toxin hazards are inhaled within your own home by your and your family. Women often work closely with potential toxic chemicals. Research estimates the health care cost in women’s environmentally associated sickness is $12.2 Billion a year. All just by inhaling cleaning substances!

A recommend Go Green , All natural Household cleaning product is Shaklee's Basic H2™ Organic Cleaner. This product along with other Shaklee household products do not contain these hazardous ingredients or chemicals.

Here are 4 reasons on WHY to go green:

1. Stop living in a toxic home

Some of the most questionable chemicals used regularly in household products are

chlorine bleach,
butyl cellosolve,
and formaldehyde—

all of which can be found under your kitchen sink. Basic H2 is nontoxic and safe for your family.

2. Saves money

One 16 oz. bottle of Basic H2 diluted per label directions makes 214 bottles (28 oz.) of ready-to-use all-purpose cleaner. Shaklee's Basic H2 is one of the only all natural superconcentrated all purpose cleaning products, so you’ll use fewer bottles of cleaning products throughout the year.

Change your light buld to energy efficient bulds. You will save more on you monthly FPL Bill.

3. Easy on the planet and your family

Biodegradable and environmentally friendly, Basic H2 handles even hard-to-clean jobs without phosphates, borates, nitrates, or other stuff the planet doesn’t appreciate.

4. Recycling

simple items helping you get the ball rolling on recycling more, we think that's manageable. Once you start recycling, you'll never want to go back. It really is simple to start recycling!

Here are some links to guide you to the closest recycling center:

Would you like more information in "Going Green" ?
Click here for this weeks video clip .
Live Healthier, Live Longer, Go Green

This Month Product Headline - Shaklee's "Get Clean"

Posted by Meyling Wednesday, September 16, 2009 0 comments

The Real Dirt on CLEAN

You know that good, healthy feeling you get when you’ve just cleaned house? Sorry to spoil it, but you may have just made your home dirtier.

Think of it this way. You wouldn’t let your kids play with toxic chemicals, so why would you let the baby crawl over a floor that’s just been wiped with them? That’s much more dangerous than the
orange juice that was just there.

How dangerous? Just take a look at these statistics.

• Over 90% of poison exposures happen at home.

• Common chlorine bleach is the #1 household chemical involved in poisoning.

• Organic pollutants, found in many common cleaners and even air fresheners, are found at levels 2 to 5 times higher inside your home than out.

• A person who spends 15 minutes cleaning scale off shower walls could inhale three times the “acute one-hour exposure limit” for glycol ether-containing products set by the California
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment.

• Common cleaners give off fumes that can potentially increase the risk of kids developing asthma, the most common chronic childhood disease.

• 1 in 13 school-aged children has asthma. Rate in children under five have increased more than 160% from 1980 – 1994.

• Children are highly vulnerable to chemical toxicants. Pound or pound of body weight, children drink more water, eat more food, and breathe more air than adults. The implication of this
is that children will have substantially heavier exposures than adults to any toxicants that are present in water, food, or air.

• If your home is anything like the average U.S. home, you generate more than 20 pounds of household hazardous waste each year (the EPA designates toilet cleaners, tub and tile
cleaners, oven cleaners, and bleach as hazardous waste).

Here are some Direct video links that goes into details of household cleaning products.

Video 1
Video 2

Userid: Freedom

So how do we solve this problem?

5 simple ways to Get Clean.

Your home should be the safest, healthiest, cleanest place in the whole world.
So we’ve put together some pretty easy things you can do to make your family safer and your home healthier. And, as it turns out, what’s good for your home is good for the earth and everyone else on it, too.

So let’s make our homes healthy. Let’s clean our hearts out. Let’s Get Clean.

1. Get the dirt. Educate yourself about what you bring into your home at

2. Have a clean-for-all. Put on the gloves and get rid of the nasty stuff in your home. Responsibly, of course. Your local waste collection service has guidelines for proper household hazardous waste disposal, as well as collection sites for things like paint, batteries, and cleaners. Whatever you do, please don’t toss this stuff in the garbage.

3. Welcome healthy into your home. Commit to carefully considering everything that crosses your doorstep. Here are some safe, healthy things to have in your home:

• Cleaners that are truly cleaner. Get Clean offers product choices that are: nontoxic, natural, biodegradable, concentrated, and hypoallergenic. To learn more, please visit www.meyling.myShaklee.com.
• Fresh air. Open your windows to reduce indoor air pollution.
• Essential oils. Use these instead of air fresheners.
• Plants. Besides being nice to look at, they can absorb harmful gases and help clean the air.
• Organic cotton bedding. Avoid standard bedding treated with chemicals.
• Floors made of recycled and renewable resources.
• Healthier paint. That new paint smell can be as nasty as it smells. Choose low VOC paint instead.
4. Clean up our collective home. Make the earth healthier for all of us who call it home by using these things in yours:

• Compact fluorescent lighting. They last a whole lot longer.
• Energy Star-rated appliances. Save money and energy.
• A low-flush toilet. Replace the largest user of water in your house. Ultra low flushers cut water use by one-fifth.
• Low-flow showerheads. Same pressure. Less water.
• Your flicker finger. Turn off lights and appliances when you’re not using them.
• Gray water system. Install one to recycle used household water for your lawn.
• Tankless water heater. Save money, energy, and space in the broom closet. Use it to store your new Get Clean Starter Kit.

5. Submit your "Change Brands" form to Meyling@ Meymey80@aol.com and start getting Clean

Unplug all electric devices when not in use. If you don't unplug them from the wall socket, they will continue using energy even when switched off.

To learn more abou Shaklee's Go Green Products vsist www.meyling.myshaklee.com

Go Green Tip #1

Posted by Meyling Wednesday, September 9, 2009 0 comments

The power of One: If Every US home replaced just one light buld with an Enrgey Star bulb, we'd save enough energy to light 3 million homes for a year! mmmmm interesting ....

Visit My Shaklee for more Go green products and all natural everyday suppliments.

If you would like to join the Shaklee family, please visit Freedom Project for more information.

Did you know that the White House cleaning satff use Shaklee's Get Clean household product.... Yes that right !!!

Since Sloan Barnett’s announcement before 6000+ people at the St. Louis Conference…that Shaklee Get Clean products are now the official cleaning products used by the White House cleaning staff (as well as the National Armory and the Vice President’s home)…I have been looking for written documentation on our website. So I asked Shaklee where we could find this and learned that “as a company, we aren’t in a position to put anything in writing to promote this as we do not have permission to do so”…even though it is true. Under the circumstances, I can understand why we won’t see anything written…it does make sense.

However, attached is the Guide that was put together for the White House staff to help with understanding both the importance and the use of the products. It is an incredible 66 page document.

Here is the link: http://www.shaklee.net/pws/library/products/getclean_usage_guide.pdf

To purchase Shaklee's Get clean products please visit
Be sure to sign up as a member to enjoy 15% of ALL your product orders.

"Live Healthier, Live Longer, Go Green !"

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